Tell us a bit about yourself.
I work for a group of small newspapers in California where I am responsible for all aspects of technology and digital publishing. My goal is to replace our legacy computer systems with WordPress powered alternatives.
What will you speaking about?
I’m talking about how newspapers are using WordPress as an application platform. Not just publishing websites but also producing the printed newspaper, managing ads and even subscribers.
Who is the target audience for your presentation?
This is a not a hard core dev talk, but I am prepared to talk generally about lessons learned when scaling WordPress and operating a high profile site.
Beginners and devs alike may enjoy hearing how WordPress is used in novel ways, and the profound impact it can have on an organization.
What do you hope WordCampers will get out of your session?
Primarily I hope people will think differently about what WordPress can do as a application platform, specifically it’s use by the publishing industry. My dreams would come true if someone used this technology to help other newspapers evolve and grow
Do you have a WP hero?
@mitcho and @nacin
Because these two people most inspired me to get involved and contribute back to the WordPress community. In my opinion, it’s not really open source until you pay it forward.
Link to speaker website:
Twitter username: @joeboydston