Kevin Conboy

Kevin has the incredible good fortune to be able to work on fun and amazing things at Automattic, the company behind, Polldaddy, VaultPress, Gravatar, Akismet and more. He lives in Denver, Colorado, where the sun shines more than 300 days out of the year, which is good because he’s originally from San Diego. After attending art school for graphic design in the late 90s, he found himfelf caught up in the whirlwind of the web agency world during the dot-com boom. More recently, however, he had spent quite a while doing interface work for the financial industry and knows more about earnings per share than he’d care to admit. Happily married with three kids, he plays in a band and has been blogging for more than 10 years at

Session: Moderator, Sources of Engagement: Social, Email and More

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