Mike Van Winkle is a PHP Developer living in Santa Rosa, CA. WordPress is his first love and weapon of choice. He started fiddling with WordPress in 2004 after Six Apart started charging for Movable Type licenses–not that there’s anything wrong with that. After attending graduate school in a completely unrelated field he decided not to put his expensive eduction to use and instead to devote his time to building websites. Turned out to be a good choice.
His love for WordPress continues today, though he now enjoys digging into other PHP-based frameworks to learn the latest trends and best practice. When he is not coding he enjoys baseball, craft beer, California weather, spy novels and electric guitar. He is currently reading Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, trying to learn to play All Your Love like Eric Clapton, drinking a Lagunitas IPA, and listening to the Chicago Cubs lose another game … yes, all at the same time.
Session: Developing for WordPress with Git Push