Cyndie Shaffstall

Cyndie Shaffstall

Cyndie Shaffstall hasn’t been able to make up her mind about what she wants to be when she grows up. She founded ThePowerXChange in 1995, the first company to distribute all plug-in technology worldwide, but gave that up in 2009. She edited and published X-Ray Magazine for designers, but in 2011 pawned that off as well. She founded Spider Trainers, an automated-marketing company, but ditched that quite recently to pursue a career as a fiction writer.

It remains to be seen if she’ll keep it up—but with a dozen non-fiction books, three fiction books (so far), and hundreds of business eBooks and online articles, indications are good she will. In her presentation, Buy Now, Buy More, and Buy Again, she has signed up to share tips with you about marketing your WordPress store.
