Business Town Hall

Knowing how to build a site with PHP & CSS is very helpful when it comes to building a site for clients. But it isn’t the only thing you need.

Knowing how to get clients, how to manage clients, how much to charge them, and how to get them to recommend you to other clients are things that every business owner should know.

This town hall will be hosted by D’nelle Dowis, Vi Wickam, and Miles Kailburn.

The town hall format lets you ask the speaker a number of questions on a specific topic. Feel free to ask anything related to business & WordPress.


Author: D'nelle Dowis

D'nelle is a project manager for digital marketing efforts that include WordPress websites. She advocates on behalf of web development and brand management agencies as a project ambassador, specializing in enabling developer & designer productivity, articulating & managing project scope, and identifying additional business development opportunities in existing client relationships.

WordCamp Denver 2016 is over. Check out the next edition!