eCommerce Town Hall

Building a WordPress site is one thing – turning that site into a revenue-generating machine is another. This town hall will be hosted by Pippin Williamson and Caleb Burks.

As a business owner, a lead developer for eCommerce software, and a shop owner, Pippin has unique insight on the landscape of eCommerce. He is the author of Easy Digital Downloads and a host of other plugins.

As a WooCommerce Ninja at Automattic. Caleb can offer equally unique insights on eCommerce today. Caleb is a web developer and support professional.

The town hall format let’s you ask the speaker a number of questions on a specific topic. Feel free to ask anything related to e-commerce. Here’s a few subjects that might come up:

  • Can WordPress handle e-commerce?
  • How does security work?
  • What types of software can I use?
  • How much will it cost?
  • Can I sell something monthly?
  • How do membership sites work?
  • Can you get live rates from shipping providers?
  • etc.

Feel free to bring up anything related to eCommerce on WordPress.


Author: Pippin Williamson

Founder and Managing Director of Sandhills Development

WordCamp Denver 2016 is over. Check out the next edition!