Erin Flynn

Erin Flynn

Talk Title: It’s the end of web design as we know it (and I feel fine)

Erin has been making websites since 1999, started her own web design and development company in 2012, and has taught over 10,000 students. She’s spent the past seven years figuring out the business part of running a freelance web design business so that you don’t have to.

Here’s the deal: running a truly profitable web design business takes more than design and coding skills. You’ve got to have the business skills nailed down too so that you have smooth processes, happy clients, and actually have a business that makes money without working all the time. That’s where Erin comes in.

When she’s not teaching designers or working with her own design/development clients, Erin can be found exploring the mountains near her home in Aspen, Colorado. Find out more at


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