Must-have Tools for Podcasting in WordPress (60 min)

Whether you’re promoting your product, talking about your interests, or sharing your thoughts, podcasting opens to door to sharing your message with the world. In this session we’ll look at the tools and services you need to record, produce, and publish your podcast, along with how to add your show to your WordPress website.

The podcasting market continues to grow with 51% of the U.S. population listening to shows as of spring 2019. That’s up from 44% in spring 2018. 90 million people in the U.S listened to a podcast in the last month, and 62 million people listen to shows weekly. The craving for content keeps growing, which means there’s a good chance a lot people want to hear what you have to say. If podcasting wasn’t such a powerful platform, we wouldn’t have shows like Unobscured, The Habitat, S-Town, and My Favorite Murder.

Time to Switch to the WP Block Editor…or is it? (30 min)

The WordPress Block Editor (Gutenberg) has been the official WP editor for almost a year, but it seems most users still use the Classic Editor. It is time to make the move to the Block Editor… or is it?

This session will discuss the pros & cons of the Block Editor. It will cover converting Classic pages to Block Editor pages.

Some of the better plugins that add new blocks will be reviewed, as well as how the Block Editor compares to page builders.

WP DIY Gone Awry… NOW, WHAT?! (30 min)

Quick and Dirty… How to get out of your WP DIY hole. We know WP is made for non-technical users, but what if you’re just stuck starting out. Here are the 10 most common mistakes and errors you have to know how to DIY and how to ask for help once you’ve tapped out of your personal skills and the depths of YouTube.

WordCamp Denver is over. Check out the next edition!