Thanks to Pantheon!

Pantheon is a proud sponsor of WordCamp Denver 2018!

We support the WordPress community with tools professional developers need to build best-practice sites—like staging environments, version control, backups, and workflows. We power over 200,000 sites and billions of pageviews a month. Here are a few of them.

Pantheors travel the world to interact with the WordPress community and speak at various WordCamps. Many of them are active in the online WordPress community as well. We are always amazed with how helpful everyone in the WordPress community is to one another to build awesome sites!

We strive to help the WordPress community launch websites faster and not have to worry about traffic spikes, security, or performance. Our container-based infrastructure allows our customers to do so.

Pantheon is incredibly excited about the new Gutenberg editor and we have been creating resources for the WordPress community whenever we learn more about it. Check out our free resources here.

We love interacting in person, so if you see a Pantheon at WordCamp Denver, don’t hesitate to stop one of us and pick our brain!